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Buy and sell tpeg2400 monomer

Lubricants are one of the main concrete supplements, which can be said to be used in all concretes for construction, civil and artistic projects.
Lubricants are made in different types, each of which has its own composition. tpeg is one of the materials used to make the new generation of water-reducing lubricants, so we decided to present this article about the purchase and sale of tpeg2400 monomer.
Application of tpeg monomer
Due to the high importance of concrete in the construction of all kinds of buildings, bridges, roads, water structures, etc., it is necessary to produce this material with good quality. In the last few years, monomers have a great impact on the production of polycarboxylate lubricants and improve the properties of concrete.
It is necessary to buy and sell tpeg2400 monomer through reliable sales centers, for this purpose, you, dear readers, can contact our experts through the numbers registered on Iran Beton and Betono website.
tpeg 2400 monomer reduces the need for water in concrete, and for this reason, buying and selling tpeg 2400 monomer is important.
You probably know that water is considered as one of the main components of concrete construction and plays the role of lubricating the mixture and reacting with cement. The constituent of concrete, including aggregates, binds together and creates a hard body.
The lower the amount of water in concrete production, the more resistant the concrete will be. On the other hand, enough water is needed for all cement to participate in the hydration reaction. tpeg 2400 monomers help the concrete mix to require less water to react and finally obtain more resistant concrete. You can contact us to know how to buy and sell tpeg2400 monomer

Buy and sell tpeg2400 monomer
Buy and sell tpeg2400 monomer

Properties of tpeg2400 monomer

• One of the important and positive features of TPEG 2400 is that it is non-toxic.
• This monomer is non-flammable and does not explode.
• The solvent of the monomer is water and of course it dissolves in other substances as well.
• Buy and sell tpeg 2400 monomer in reputable stores.
• It dissolves well in organic solvents and does not hydrolyze.
• It is used as a water reducing agent.
• It causes the cement to spread well in all the concrete composition and have a good reaction, in this way cement is not wasted and its consumption is also reduced (if the amount of water is not enough or the proper lubricant is not used, all Cement does not participate in the reaction and becomes lumpy, and in this way some of it is wasted)
• It increases the durability and life of concrete.
• The resistance of concrete against corrosion increases.
• It has stabilizing effects.
• Prevents corrosion of rebars.
• It is a material that is highly compatible with the environment.

In response to the question of how tpeg 2400 monomer works, it can be said that acrylic acid and maleic anhydride perform a polymerization reaction together, and in this way the water reducing agent is created.

Maintenance conditions of tpeg 2400

• If it is kept in proper conditions, you can use it for at least two years.
• If the package of the product is opened, you must consume it within a week and otherwise, close the container with nitrogen so that it does not undergo oxidation.

What is a monomer

If we want to define monomer in this section of the article on buying and selling tpeg2400 monomer, we must say that it is called the constituent components of polymer molecules. Poly, which has Greek roots, means (many), mer means (part) and mono means (one).
It is interesting to know that until 1920, no chemist or scientist thought that a molecule with a weight greater than a thousand could be found, but studies showed that this hypothesis could be challenged.
Based on this, research was conducted on various materials, including rubber and cellulose, and it was determined that there are macromolecules with more than 10,000 atoms, hence the German scientist named Hermann Stadinger won the Nobel Prize in 1953 for proving this theory. became.
There are different types of monomers. To know how to buy and sell tpeg2400 monomer, contact our experts through the numbers listed on IranBeton and Betono website

Buy and sell tpeg2400 monomer
Buy and sell tpeg2400 monomer

Types of monomers

The monomers used in industry are divided into three categories: synthetic versus natural, linear versus cyclic, and polar versus nonpolar. Now we want to know what is the reason for naming each of these monomers?
Polar monomer: Monomers are said to be fully ready to bind to water molecules. While monomers that do not like to bond with other molecules are called non-polar.
Linear monomer: because the monomers are connected in a line and in the form of a chain, they are called linear monomers, and cyclic monomers are those that are connected to each other in a circle.
Natural monomers: The most used monomers are in this category. Synthetic monomers are used in the production of materials such as nylon, and natural monomers are used to produce materials such as amino acids. Buying and selling of tpeg2400 monomer is done through Iran Beton and Betono.

Investigation of the general application of monomer
Monomers are used in the manufacture of the following materials and products:
• Making all kinds of glue
• Production of various resins
• Production of chewing gum as a base material
• Making textiles
• Making all kinds of colors
• Food packaging
• Car fuel tank
• And…
As we mentioned earlier, tpeg 2400 monomer is used as a water reducer in cement materials, including concrete. Now we want to know what happens when the amount of water in concrete and other cement materials decreases and why buying and selling tpeg2400 monomer is of special importance.

• This monomer model has a good appearance.
• The rate of water reduction is acceptable.
• Dropping is less in this model.
• Very durable.
• It improves the properties of concrete.
• It has high efficiency.
• It has high strength.
• By using a low dose of this substance, it provides acceptable results.

Product features

• The product name is tpeg monomer.
• In terms of appearance, it has a white or bright yellow shell.
• It has an average molecular weight of 3100.
• It has 17.5 to 19.5 mol/kg hydroxyl.
• It has 0.29 mol/kg of unsaturated substances.
• It is soluble in water at a pH of 5.5 to 7.5.

To get more information about other features and how to buy and sell tpeg2400 monomer, contact our experts. For this purpose, you can contact the numbers available in Iran Beton and Betono.

In Iran Beton and Betono, we deliver the best and highest quality products to your dear ones. The monomer conditions of tpeg 2400 are as  follows

• To store this product, you must place it in a dry and well-ventilated place, while this material must be kept away from direct sunlight.
• The product should not be exposed to rain or extreme cold and frost.
• The storage area of ​​the product must be clean.
• The product is non-toxic.
• The product is non-flammable.
• The product’s shelf life after opening is listed on the package. Storing the product in inappropriate conditions can cause the material to lose its properties.
Since tpeg monomer is one of the main ingredients in the production of carboxylate superlubricants, in the continuation of the article on buying and selling tpeg2400 monomer, we wille xamine superlubricants.

What is a super lubricant


Super lubricants are also known as water reducers. This product is one of the main concrete additives that improves the quality, efficienc and fluidity of concrete.
Fortunately, lubricants are more powerful than ordinary lubricants and have more effects on concrete. As we mentioned in the previous sections, tpeg 2400 monomer is considered one of the main ingredients in the production of lubricants, so we suggest buying and selling tpeg 2400 monomer from reliable centers and reliable manufacturers. For this purpose, be in touch with Iran Beton and Betono.
The main uses of carboxylate lubricants are as follows:
Use in prefabricated concrete parts:
Precast concrete parts are products that are manufactured in the factory and assembled at the project site. To produce these parts, concrete with slump and high plasticity is needed. Due to these features, parts with different shapes can be produced.

Hard concreting

Usually, in situations where the number of reinforcements is high, concreting is difficult, that’s why in this situation, carboxylate super-lubricants are used so that the concrete is dispersed and compacted more easily in the molds. The super-lubricant helps the concrete to be placed between the rebars and the quality level of the work and the strength of the concrete increase.

Use in bulk concreting

Usually, the concreting of retaining walls and dams is called bulk concreting because a large amount of concrete is used in these projects. In this situation, super-lubricants are used so that the high volume does not cause separation of the concrete components and also to maintain the fluidity of the concrete.

Use in concreting with sliding molds

In this type of concreting, the work speed needs to be high, that’s why super-lubricants are used so that the concrete pumping operation can be done at a higher speed.
Of course, carboxylate lubricants have more applications, which means that you can understand the high importance of buying and selling tpeg2400 monomer from reputable centers.

Advantages of carboxylate superlubricants

• Increases concrete slump.
• The best type of concrete and concrete is offered in Iran.
• It prevents concrete from suffering surface cracks.
• It is used for concreting in hot weather and it delays the setting of concrete.
• It makes concrete resistant to water penetration and thus it is suitable for concreting in different environments.
• Buying and selling tpeg2400 monomer is easily done through Iran Beton and Betono.
• Prevents concrete from watering.
In this article, we learned about the different characteristics of tpeg 2400 monomer. Contact us for more information on how to buy and sell tpeg2400 monomer.



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