The largest producer of concrete lubricant in Iran

Concrete lubricants are widely used products and it can be said that they are used in almost all construction projects that use concrete. Considering the effects of this supplement on concrete strength, it is recommended to use quality products.

For this reason, we at Iran Beton, as the largest producer of concrete lubricants in Iran, decided to present the following text to familiarize you, the dear readers of Iran Beton and Betono, with the characteristics of lubricants.

The largest producer of concrete lubricant in Iran
The largest producer of concrete lubricant in Iran

?What is a concrete lubricants

Concrete lubricants refer to products known as concrete additives or supplements that make concrete more fluid. It goes without saying that there are different types of lubricants and they have different compositions, so each of them has specific effects on the properties of concrete, but in general, it can be said that this product reduces the surface tension of water and improves the distribution of cement particles in The composition helps to increase the quality of concrete.

The mentioned effects cause the concrete to be pumped in a better way and the grains of the composition do not separate. Finally, the concrete that is produced will have higher durability, efficiency and longevity.

Choosing the right type of concrete lubricant is done through the expertise of the conditions of each project, for this purpose you can contact our experts through the numbers listed in Iran Beton and Betono. We are the largest producer of concrete lubricant in Iran and we will be by your side in this way.

Why use a lubricant

There are many reasons for using lubricants, and we at Iran Beton and Betono, as the largest producer of concrete lubricants in Iran, intend to investigate this issue:

• The use of lubricants increases the fluidity and smoothness of concrete, and in this way, it is added to the composition during the execution of concrete to reduce friction.

• It increases the plasticity of concrete and for this reason concreting is done more easily and it is possible to create structures with special forms.

• In Iran Beton and Betono, which is the largest producer of concrete lubricant in Iran, the best lubricant with excellent quality is provided, which will lead to concrete with an excellent surface and high resistance.

• If lubricants are used, the need for water consumption will be reduced by 15% and the strength of concrete will increase accordingly.

It reduces the need to use cement, and in this way the heat of hydration and finally concrete will decrease (hydration is called the reaction between water and cement, in this reaction, cement powder is combined with water and becomes a sticky paste becomes)

• Iranian Beton and Betono lubricants are of high quality and make the concrete surface better. Easier payment saves energy and costs.

• The lubricants of the largest concrete lubricant manufacturer in Iran prevent the creation of cold concrete joints during concreting.

• When the concrete mix becomes more fluid, the components are better placed next to each other and the density increases. Concrete with high density does not have pores and in this way the concrete will be impermeable.

• Adhesion in concrete increases and therefore the connection between rebar and concrete will be stronger.

• Segregation in concrete is reduced.

In Iran, Beton and Betono, as the largest producer of concrete lubricants in Iran, have various types of this product available. Lubricants can be classified in different aspects. In the following, we will examine the types of lubricants.

Types of lubricants in terms of effect on concrete

Concrete lubricants can affect the setting time of concrete. In this regard, they are divided into three categories: quick-setting lubricants, slow-setting lubricants, and regular lubricants.

Normal lubricant

• This product does not affect the setting time of concrete.

Retardant lubricant

• As it is clear from the name of the product, it delays the setting time of concrete. The main reason for using air heat retarding lubricant is the distance between the concrete factory and the project site.

Precipitating lubricant

• Unlike the previous case, this product makes the concrete set faster and is mostly used in cold weather.

To learn more about the types of products produced by the largest producer of concrete lubricants in Iran, you can contact the numbers listed on the Iran Beton and Betono website.

The largest producer of concrete lubricant in Iran
The largest producer of concrete lubricant in Iran

Lubricant application

The use of Iranian Beton and Betono lubricants is as follows:

• It is used for concreting in hot weather.

• It is used in hard concreting with rebar or special molds.

• It is used to improve massive concreting in a long period of time.

• It is used for the concrete of columns and shear walls.

The most important point that you should pay attention to at the time of purchase is the authenticity of the manufacturer and sales centers, so we suggest you to contact the numbers on the Iran Beton and Beton website and get the advice of the experts of the largest manufacturer. Benefit from concrete lubricant in Iran.

Lubricants are divided into ordinary lubricants, super lubricants and super lubricants in terms of age of production and effectiveness, and the appropriate model is determined by a qualified expert according to the conditions of the project.

It goes without saying that all production steps, including the selection of high-quality materials, quality control, etc., are carried out in the largest concrete lubricant manufacturer in Iran under the supervision of the most experienced experts, so as to provide a first-class quality product.


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